Our Korean Elementary 2 Course is designed for students who has knowledge of 600 or more vocabularies, who can respond to questions about your family and friends, who can conjugate verbs and adjectives properly.
In this course, students can talk about wishes you would like to eat, things you would like to buy, travel plans and experiences and introduce precious gifts. Writing about dishes you eat every day, things you often buy, travel experiences, an invitation to a party, an email inquiring about an event. Our key grammar points covered include: -(으)면, ㅅ irregular conjugation, -는데/(으)ㄴ데, -아/어 보다(Attempt), -는 것 같다, -는 게 어때요?, ㅎ irregular conjugation, -(으)면 좋겠다, -(으)ㄴ 적이 있다/없다, 동안, -아/어 보다(Experience), -(으)ㄴ(past tense of verbs).
If you have learnt all of these, you can consider taking the next course – Elementary 3.
Lesson Topics
Lesson 1 – Warm up and Ice break
Lesson 2 – Dishes you would like to eat
Lesson 3 – Things you would like to buy
Lesson 4 – Food and order
Lesson 5 – Speaking activities for Lesson 2-4
Lesson 6 – Colours and Shapes
Lesson 7 – Travel organizing
Lesson 8 – Travel experiences
Lesson 9 – Speaking activities for Lesson 6-8
Lesson 10 – Review and presentations